
In 2018, we visited Kyotango, which is known for its textile industry, particularly the special silk material called "Chirimen" that originated during the Edo period. This material is known for its unique patterns and soft texture and is used to make high-end bespoke clothing and traditional Japanese kimono throughout Japan.

With the changing modern culture, the demand for traditional Japanese kimono has decreased. In this project, we collaborated with Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT) and Kyoto Design Lab under the theme of "new technologies, old challenges > old materials, new challenges" to experiment with the possibility of combining traditional techniques with contemporary design.

"River, Forest, City." 

We created a series of patterns that combined and reimagined traditional textile designs from Kyoto and Osaka during the Showa period with modern color schemes. The designs depict the interweaving patterns of the warp and weft threads, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of the weaving process.


與多國設計師共同合作,在本計畫中,尋找老技術老記憶的新可能。與京都工藝纖維大學和Desgin Lab合作,共同前往參訪日本蠶絲產業重鎮京丹市。以製作chirimen布料(縐綢布)為名的京丹市,始終維持以傳統的方式製作,在互相連結的產業鏈中與織物文獻中,設計師將傳統圖紋轉化,以數位印刷(digitala Print)的方式,挑戰chirimen布料的新可能。